Neos Setup
Save the Public Folder
Open Neos, copy the URL below, then while in Neos, paste the url. You'll see a folder named "200Tigersbloxed's Public," take this folder and save to your inventory.
Import the HRCounter
After cloning the folder, navigate to the HRtoNeos folder, and import the model that looks like a HeartRate Counter.
Attach to your Avatar
Using the Dev Tool Tip, re-parent the HRtoNeos Object (the HRCounter you just imported) somewhere in your avatar. The location does not matter, as long as it is a descendant of your avatar.
Apply Settings
There are two places for settings, the WebSocket settings and the Parameter Settings.
DynamicValueVariable<string> WebSocketURL
The URL of the WebSocket
DynamicValueVariable<bool> UseHRBeat
Whether to beat the Heart (change Object size)
DynamicValueVariable<float3> BeatSize
The size to smooth lerp to when the heart is beating.
DynamicValueVariable<float> BeatMultiplier
The value to multiply BeatSize by when MultiplyNoBeatSize is enabled
DynamicValueVariable<color> EnabledColor
The color to make HRCounter when isActive and isConnected is true
DynamicValueVariable<float3> NoBeatSize
The normal size of the Object
DynamicValueVariable<bool> MultiplyNoBeatSize
Ignore BeatSize and Multiply NoBeatSize by BeatMultiplier
DynamicValueVariable<float> BeatSpeed
The speed to smooth lerp the size change by
DynamicValueVariable<color> DisabledColor
The color to make HRCounter when isActive and isConnected is false